Hotel details Mingao Spring Hotel Taichung

Aanbieding details

  • Taiwan
  • Taiwan
  • Taichung
  • 3


Over Mingao Spring Hotel Taichung

Mingao Spring Resort Taichung is a boutique resort offering modern accommodation in pleasant atmosphere. It also has Hot Springs Museum, Pahsien Shan Forest Recreation Area, Valley Trail and passes in its surroundings. LocationLocated in Taichung, the Mingao Spring Resort is on the central cross-island highway, 800 meters above sea level along the valley off Hot Springs Scenic Area. This property is also in vicinity to Princess Anne Garden, Lavender Sinshe forests and castles. RestaurantThe Mucha Restaurant at Mingao Spring Resort serves Chinese and Western cuisines in open-air, for guests to feast on. Guests can also unwind with freshly brewed coffee and light snacks in fine dining area of the Kumamoto Cafe. RoomsThis resort offers comfortable accommodation units that are well decorated and appointed with standard conveniences such as wireless internet access, telephone and a television. GeneralMingao Spring Resort Taichung has wireless internet access for guests to stay in contact with their friends and family members. Guests can also plan an outing to explore the local attractions and the surrounding areas of the city.

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Mingao Spring Hotel Taichung in Taichung Taiwan ook te boeken bij

Mingao Spring Hotel Taichung

Aantal dagen:
VANAF€ 44,33

Mingao Spring Resort Taichung is a boutique resort offering modern accommodation in pleasant atmosphere. It also has Hot Springs Museum, Pahsien Shan ...

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Mingao Spring Hotel Taichung in Taichung Taiwan Taiwan

Mingao Spring Hotel Taichung Taichung, Taiwan

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