Hotel details Szovata Cottage 1

Aanbieding details

  • Romania
  • Transylvania
  • Sovata
  • 6


Over Szovata Cottage 1

Sovata is a town in Mures county, in north central Romania. It is situated in the foothills of the GurghiuMountains(Eastern Carpathians) at an altitude of 500m above sea level. Sovata is a balneal and climatic spa which is open year round. There are several lakes in the area, the most important being LakeUrsul(BearLake)- it is the worlds' largest heliothermic lake. The central building and holiday houses are located in a peaceful setting on the outskirts of the village, near a forest. The resort center and LakeUrsuare just 4 km from the house. The yard is huge (1.5 hectares) and contains a parking place; barbecue area; buttery (storage room for wine/casks); fishing, cycling and horseback riding opportunities; sports field for football and badminton; table tennis and darts; pergola; and a pool. Because of the location there are many possibilities for excursions, recreation, hiking, picking forest fruits, fishing and hunting. For those who like cycling and mountain biking, this is an ideal place.
During the winter there are several ski slopes open. They each offer runs with a variety of difficulty levels, and all are equipped with ski-lifts. All in all, this may be the best destination if you are looking for an exciting, yet regenerating holiday, regardless of the season.

Szovata Cottage 1 te boeken bij (4 resultaten)

Szovata Cottage 1 in Sovata Romania ook te boeken bij Bungalow.Net

Szovata Cottage 1

Aantal dagen:
VANAF€ 588,00

Sovata is a town in Mures county, in north central Romania. It is situated in the foothills of the GurghiuMountains(Eastern Carpathians) at an alti...

Szovata Cottage 1 in Sovata Romania ook te boeken bij Bungalow.Net

Szovata Cottage 1

Aantal dagen:
VANAF€ 588,00

Sovata is een stad in het noorden van Roemeniƫ in de Mures gemeenschap, aan de voet van de Gurghiu bergen die 500 meter boven de zeespiegel liggen. S...

Szovata Cottage 1 in Sovata Romania ook te boeken bij Bungalow.Net

Szovata Cottage 1

Aantal dagen:
VANAF€ 588,00

Sovata is een stad in het noorden van Roemeniƫ in de Mures gemeenschap, aan de voet van de Gurghiu bergen die 500 meter boven de zeespiegel liggen. S...

Szovata Cottage 1 in Sovata Romania ook te boeken bij Bungalow.Net

Szovata Cottage 1

Aantal dagen:
VANAF€ 588,00

Sovata is een stad in het noorden van Roemeniƫ in de Mures gemeenschap, aan de voet van de Gurghiu bergen die 500 meter boven de zeespiegel liggen. S...

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Szovata Cottage 1 in Sovata Transylvania Romania

Szovata Cottage 1 Sovata, Romania

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