Hotel details Hotel Plaza Colon

Aanbieding details

  • Nicaragua
  • Nicaragua
  • Granada
  • 3


Over Hotel Plaza Colon

Outdoorsy travellers and vacationing couples looking to get away from the bustle of city living find an ideal base in the inviting spaces and top-notch facilities of Hotel Plaza Colon Granada. While in Granada, tourists can marvel at striking natural wonders like Isletas de Granada or enjoy a breath of fresh air at Parque Sandino. Guests can also hike along landscapes surrounding the property or bargain for local crafts and goods at exotic markets several kilometres away. LocationHotel Plaza Colon is on Calle Real Xaltev, near Parque Colon in Granada. During free time, vacationers can join guided tours to beautiful heritage sites more than a few kilometres from the property. RestaurantStart the day at Plaza Colon Hotel with a tasty breakfast buffet on site. Diners can also sample cocktails like El Macua at El Bar within the hotel or stop by restaurants nearby for a taste of regional dishes. RoomsThe hotel is housed in an antique colonial architecture with elegant and spacious rooms teeming with modern amenities like air conditioning, ceiling fan, cable TV, safe deposit box, hairdryer, mini bar and balcony. GeneralHotel Plaza Colon Granada provides Internet access for a more convenient stay. During recreation, holidaymakers can have a refreshing dip in the pool on site or travel a few more kilometres to lush reserves and national parks. Patrons can also experience local nightlife at bars close by.

Hotel Plaza Colon te boeken bij (2 resultaten)

Hotel Plaza Colon in Granada Nicaragua ook te boeken bij

Hotel Plaza Colon

Aantal dagen:
VANAF€ 73,27

Outdoorsy travellers and vacationing couples looking to get away from the bustle of city living find an ideal base in the inviting spaces and top-notc...

Hotel Plaza Colon in Granada Nicaragua ook te boeken bij mdHotels

Hotel Plaza Colon

Aantal dagen:
VANAF€ 89,00


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Hotel Plaza Colon in Granada Nicaragua Nicaragua

Hotel Plaza Colon Granada, Nicaragua

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