Hotel details Casale Quadri 6+1

Aanbieding details

  • Italy
  • Lazio
  • Vignanello
  • 7


Over Casale Quadri 6+1

The farmhouse is located in a small village of Tuscia, in the area of Viterbo , called VIGNANELLO and is 3 km away from the town centre.
It consists of 5 residential units, with a capacity from 8 to 3 persons. This estate  also includes two small country houses for 3 people plus an old country house  suitable for 4 people.

Casale Quadri 6+1 te boeken bij (1 resultaten)

Casale Quadri 6+1 in Vignanello Italy ook te boeken bij Bungalow.Net

Casale Quadri 6+1

Aantal dagen:
VANAF€ 780,00

The farmhouse is located in a small village of Tuscia, in the area of Viterbo , called VIGNANELLO and is 3 km away from the town centre.
It consi...

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Casale Quadri 6+1 in Vignanello Lazio Italy

Casale Quadri 6+1 Vignanello, Italy

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Uw beoordeling van deze aanbieding

  • UitstekendUitstekend
  • GoedGoed
  • GemiddeldGemiddeld
  • SlechtSlecht
  • BedroevendBedroevend
