Hotel details Lebua Lodge At Amer

Aanbieding details

  • India
  • India
  • Jaipur
  • 5


Over Lebua Lodge At Amer

On the outskirts of Jaipur lies the historic Amber Fort. Just beside to its 500 years old fort wall you discover a valley,transformed into geometric gardens with forty futuristic tents that look like canvas cubes which are inter spaced with sculpted landscape with the background of beautiful rocky hills. Rasa Resorts is surrounded by hills from two sides and the ancient Amber Fort wall from one side which makes a picturesque view. LocationOn the outskirts of Jaipur lies the historic Amber Fort. Just beside to its 500 years old fort wall you discover a valley,transformed into geometric gardens with forty futuristic tents that look like canvas cubes which are inter spaced with sculpted landscape with the background of beautiful rocky hills. Rasa Resorts is surrounded by hills from two sides and the ancient Amber Fort wall from one side which makes a picturesque view. RestaurantOn the outskirts of Jaipur lies the historic Amber Fort. Just beside to its 500 years old fort wall you discover a valley,transformed into geometric gardens with forty futuristic tents that look like canvas cubes which are inter spaced with sculpted landscape with the background of beautiful rocky hills. Rasa Resorts is surrounded by hills from two sides and the ancient Amber Fort wall from one side which makes a picturesque view. RoomsOn the outskirts of Jaipur lies the historic Amber Fort. Just beside to its 500 years old fort wall you discover a valley,transformed into geometric gardens with forty futuristic tents that look like canvas cubes which are inter spaced with sculpted landscape with the background of beautiful rocky hills. Rasa Resorts is surrounded by hills from two sides and the ancient Amber Fort wall from one side which makes a picturesque view. GeneralOn the outskirts of Jaipur lies the historic Amber Fort. Just beside to its 500 years old fort wall you discover a valley,transformed into geometric gardens with forty futuristic tents that look like canvas cubes which are inter spaced with sculpted landscape with the background of beautiful rocky hills. Rasa Resorts is surrounded by hills from two sides and the ancient Amber Fort wall from one side which makes a picturesque view.

Lebua Lodge At Amer te boeken bij (1 resultaten)

Lebua Lodge At Amer in Jaipur India ook te boeken bij

Lebua Lodge At Amer

Aantal dagen:
VANAF€ 97,39

On the outskirts of Jaipur lies the historic Amber Fort. Just beside to its 500 years old fort wall you discover a valley,transformed into geometric g...

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Lebua Lodge At Amer in Jaipur India India

Lebua Lodge At Amer Jaipur, India

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