Hotel details Keys Hotel Kattima

Aanbieding details

  • India
  • India
  • Chennai
  • 3


Over Keys Hotel Kattima

Keys Hotel, Kattima, Chennai now offers you redefined hospitality in a city that breathes tradition. All of the 30 elegantly and self contained rooms cater to the demand for efficient, hygienic and secure accommodation. Chennai, your celebrated business and leisure destination in the subcontinent offers Keys as a world class hospitality facility to the visiting entrepreneur. Like, at all the other Keys facilities, Keys Hotel Chennai flaunts a professional infrastructure for the visiting corporate and real value offers for walk-ins. The facility makes a luxury statement keeping the business and leisure traveler in mind. Keys offers a real value, budget centric tariff that is inclusive of access to fine living accommodations, multi-cuisine options and conferencing venues. The business centric ambience also offers you an array of delectable and hygienic food platters, a travel desk that addresses all your business needs, itinerary adjustments, transportation and on-the-go meals, in-room business work spaces, 24x7 Wi-Fi, fully equipped business-center and 24-hours room service. Explore the business potential and vivacity of Chennai from the Keys facility, replete with staff and accommodations that exclusively address the special needs of single women and handicapped guests too. Public access areas are with ultra modern security gadgetry, adventure tourism activities designed and iterated in house, business specific facilities and assistance and real value quality living at Keys Hotel Chennai help you take pivotal business decisions while you rejuvenate and revitalize amidst planned tranquility!The other amenity includes Dry cleaning and Reception. Keys Hotel Kattima is an Smoke-free hotel.

Keys Hotel Kattima te boeken bij (1 resultaten)

Keys Hotel Kattima in Chennai India ook te boeken bij

Keys Hotel Kattima

Aantal dagen:
VANAF€ 69,57

Keys Hotel, Kattima, Chennai now offers you redefined hospitality in a city that breathes tradition. All of the 30 elegantly and self contained rooms ...

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Keys Hotel Kattima in Chennai India India

Keys Hotel Kattima Chennai, India

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