Hotel details Keys Hotel The Aures

Aanbieding details

  • India
  • India
  • Aurangabad
  • 3


Over Keys Hotel The Aures

Keys Hotel the Aures at Aurangabad, Maharashtra is a 4-Star property that is aesthetically designed and equipped with the latest facilities to cater to the ever-growing demands of business and leisure travelers. Its close proximity to the airport, railway station and bus depot make it an ideal destination for day trips and extended business trips. The hotel is near to major Industrial areas of Aurangabad such as Chikhalthana MIDC, Shendra MIDC, Waluj MIDC and Shendra - Bidkin Industrial Park. Companies like Audi, Skoda, Videocon, Siemens, Workhardt, Bajaj, MAN Diesel, Lombardini, Sab Miller are at very short driving distance from the hotel. The city is a tourist hub, surrounded with many historical monuments, including the Ajanta Caves and Ellora Caves, which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites, as well as Bibi Ka Maqbara, transportation to these locations can be arranged by the hotel staff. The hotel is situated at a distance 10 km from the Aurangabad Airport and 2 km from Aurangabad Railway Station. The hotel also provides lobby and reception in amenity.

Keys Hotel The Aures te boeken bij (2 resultaten)

Keys Hotel The Aures in Aurangabad India ook te boeken bij

Keys Hotel The Aures

Aantal dagen:
VANAF€ 44,28

Keys Hotel the Aures at Aurangabad, Maharashtra is a 4-Star property that is aesthetically designed and equipped with the latest facilities to cater t...

Keys Hotel The Aures in Aurangabad India ook te boeken bij mdHotels

Keys Hotel, The Aures

Aantal dagen:
VANAF€ 2499,00


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Welke faciliteiten zijn er aanwezig in dit hotel, appartement, vakantiepark, vakantiehuis of camping? De belangrijkste faciliteiten worden hieronder genoemd.

Keys Hotel The Aures in Aurangabad India India

Keys Hotel The Aures Aurangabad, India

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