Aanbieding details

  • Hungary
  • Lake Tisza
  • Sarud
  • 13


Over Tisza Haz

This holiday home is located in Sarud, a very nice and quiet village, quite small, on the western shore of Lake Tisza. The accommodation offers opportunities for numerous outdoor activities such as mini-golf, volleyball, archery, skittles, badminton, swings and a sandbox for kids, also quite a number of bicycles. All of this is surrounded by a very big green, grassy area of 5500 square meters. The port in this place is like 400 meters wide. The 1350 people village is an oasis of calm and tranquility, a perfect choice for those who love nature. You should not come here looking for parties or crowded beaches. This place is for people who want to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, it is a place where children can play in grassy fields, where you can enjoy fresh air, the singing of birds and complete freedom. It has a unique nature and numerous outdoor activities to enjoy.

Tisza Haz te boeken bij (1 resultaten)

Tisza Haz in Sarud Hungary ook te boeken bij Bungalow.Net

Tisza Haz

Aantal dagen:
VANAF€ 0,00

This holiday home is located in Sarud, a very nice and quiet village, quite small, on the western shore of Lake Tisza. The accommodation offers opport...

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Welke faciliteiten zijn er aanwezig in dit hotel, appartement, vakantiepark, vakantiehuis of camping? De belangrijkste faciliteiten worden hieronder genoemd.

Tisza Haz in Sarud Lake Tisza Hungary

Tisza Haz Sarud, Hungary

Beoordeel nu

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Uw beoordeling van deze aanbieding

  • UitstekendUitstekend
  • GoedGoed
  • GemiddeldGemiddeld
  • SlechtSlecht
  • BedroevendBedroevend
