Aanbieding details

  • Guatemala
  • Guatemala
  • Guatemala City
  • 3


Over La Inmaculada Hotel

Guatemala owns a unique cultural and natural richness. Its tourist offer adapts to the different tastes interests and preferences of visitors from around the world. Guatemala offers an infinite amount of attractions one of them being its modern and contrasting capital city. And it is in Guatemala where one of the best and internationally renowned coffees in the world is grown. La Inmaculada Hotel is located in the heart of the City in one of the most exclusive residential areas and only a few steps away from the famous Zona Viva. Its excellent location offers easy access to the main financial cultural commercial and entertainment district. Decoration of the hotel interior is a combination of modern and elegant styles and elements creating a perfect ambiance where all the rooms surround a beautiful garden that inspires peace and tranquility to our guests. Our mission is to make your business trip pleasant and your vacation unforgettable.

La Inmaculada Hotel te boeken bij (1 resultaten)

La Inmaculada Hotel in Guatemala City Guatemala ook te boeken bij Ebookers.nl

La Inmaculada Hotel

Aantal dagen:
VANAF€ 72,33

Guatemala owns a unique cultural and natural richness. Its tourist offer adapts to the different tastes interests and preferences of visitors from aro...

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La Inmaculada Hotel in Guatemala City Guatemala Guatemala

La Inmaculada Hotel Guatemala City, Guatemala

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