Aanbieding details

  • Czech Republic
  • South Moravia
  • Bojkovice
  • 5


Over Apartment Zámecek 05

The historic town of Bojkovice lies just 15km from the Slovakian border. It is situated at an altitude of 300 meters, in the valley of the OlÅ¡avy River at the foot of the BÃlé Karpaty NP. The town was originally dominated by Nový SvÄtlov Castle which is only 100m from your apartment. The apartment is part of an apartment complex located on the outskirts of Bojkovice. It has a large enclosed garden complete with outdoor furniture and a pool for guests' use only. There is also a large terrace and a common area with tables, chairs and a TV. In the large common area dinner and breakfast can be served. In the afternoon it's a bar. You can play table tennis in a separate room. There is plenty of parking in front of the building. If you would like to rent multiple apartments for a larger group, please contact Bungalow.Net.

Apartment Zámecek 05 te boeken bij (1 resultaten)

Apartment Zámecek 05 in Bojkovice Czech Republic ook te boeken bij Bungalow.Net

Apartment Zámecek 05

Aantal dagen:
VANAF€ 327,00

The historic town of Bojkovice lies just 15km from the Slovakian border. It is situated at an altitude of 300 meters, in the valley of the Olšav...

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Apartment Zámecek 05 in Bojkovice South Moravia Czech Republic

Apartment Zámecek 05 Bojkovice, Czech Republic

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  • UitstekendUitstekend
  • GoedGoed
  • GemiddeldGemiddeld
  • SlechtSlecht
  • BedroevendBedroevend
