Hotel details Canon De La Vieja Lodge

Aanbieding details

  • Costa Rica
  • Costa Rica
  • Liberia
  • 3


Over Canon De La Vieja Lodge

Canon de la Vieja Lodge is surrounded by beautiful gardens, located just 8km from Liberia, 30km from the Papagayo Gulf and 5km from theRincon de la Vieja National Park. Enclosed in exuberant tropical forest, each of the 50 rooms provides an exclusive refuge where guests can relax amid the tranquility and sounds of nature. The hotel has a beautiful tropical architecture that reflects the beauty of the natural wonders of Costa Rica and offers the opportunity to enjoy the best of authentic culture and local Guanacaste hospitality. The tropical gardens create the perfect environment to rest and enjoy nature. Ideal for nature lovers and honeymooners! The Rincon de la Vieja National Park boasts an area space of 14, 161 hectares and is home to the most important water basin in Guanacaste. It presents breathtaking landscapes, beautiful waterfalls, relaxing thermal waters, boiling mud pools, a fresh volcanic water lagoon, picnic areas and winding trails that can be traversed on foot or by horseback. One of the main attractions that we have at Canon de La Vieja Lodge is the wide variety of adventure tours that you can enjoy and live memorable experiences near the canyon of the Colorado River. They offer :Trail WalksBird WatchingVolcanic ExplorationGeothermicsRaftingRappellingRockClimbingTubingHorseback RidingMountain BikingAt Canyon de La Vieja Lodge you will have a full service restaurant where local ingredients are combined with a world class kitchen to offer a unique gastronomic experience

Canon De La Vieja Lodge te boeken bij (1 resultaten)

Canon De La Vieja Lodge in Liberia Costa Rica ook te boeken bij

Canon De La Vieja Lodge

Aantal dagen:
VANAF€ 65,49

Canon de la Vieja Lodge is surrounded by beautiful gardens, located just 8km from Liberia, 30km from the Papagayo Gulf and 5km from theRincon de la Vi...

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Canon De La Vieja Lodge in Liberia Costa Rica Costa Rica

Canon De La Vieja Lodge Liberia, Costa Rica

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