Hotel details Meridien Oran Hotel & Convention Centre

Aanbieding details

  • Algerije
  • Algerije
  • Oran
  • 5


Over Meridien Oran Hotel & Convention Centre

Located in the city of Oran, on northwestern Algeria's Mediterranean coast, Le Meridien Oran Hotel and Convention Centre will be situated on a high cliff with a stunning view over the Mediterranean Sea and the city centre of Oran. The hotel will form part of a larger complex including an adjacent conference and exhibition centre, and an oceanfront promenade. Hotel guests will enjoy a dramatic outdoor pool area overlooking the sea, and a significant health club on the second floor with endless sea views. The conference centre will include an impressive 3,000 seat auditorium with state of the art technology, making it Algeria's most important conference venue, and one of the few in Africa able to host large scale conferences. The 296-room hotel will integrate all of Le Meridien's latest brand features, with a special focus on mixing contemporary culture with European heritage, enabling customers to discover new destinations. They look forward to welcoming you to one of Africa's most dynamic cities at Le Meridien Oran Hotel and Convention Centre.

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Meridien Oran Hotel & Convention Centre

Aantal dagen:
VANAF€ 136,80

Located in the city of Oran, on northwestern Algeria's Mediterranean coast, Le Meridien Oran Hotel and Convention Centre will be situated on a high cl...

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Meridien Oran Hotel & Convention Centre in Oran Algerije Algerije

Meridien Oran Hotel & Convention Centre Oran, Algerije

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  • GoedGoed
  • GemiddeldGemiddeld
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  • BedroevendBedroevend
