Hotel details Hampshire Hotel - City Terneuzen,

Aanbieding details

  • NL
  • NL
  • Terneuzen
  • Terneuzen


Over Hampshire Hotel - City Terneuzen,

The Hampshire Hotel – City Terneuzen offers personal hospitality, friendly staff and a pleasant atmosphere. The hotel offers both private and business guests excellent comfort at competitive rates. The hotel has a cosy bar and an attractive restaurant with a menu which changes daily. The hotel is easy to reach and has a free, spacious car park. Terneuzen is the economic heart of Zeeuws - Vlaanderen with many things to see and a modern shopping centre as well. The great cities of Flemish culture Antwerpen, Gent en Brugge are just a throw of a stone away.

Additional information
- The hotel does not have a 24-hour reception. You can check in until 23:00 h.
- An additional bed can be placed on request in the hotel room for €17.50 per night (excluding breakfast).
- The hotel does not offer special rooms for guests with a disability.
- Pets are not allowed.
- Luggage can be stored at the hotel.

Hampshire Hotel - City Terneuzen, te boeken bij (1 resultaten)

Hampshire Hotel - City Terneuzen,  in Terneuzen NL ook te boeken bij

Hampshire Hotel - City Terneuzen,

Aantal dagen:
VANAF€ 49,50

The Hampshire Hotel – City Terneuzen offers personal hospitality, friendly staff and a pleasant atmosphere. The hotel offers both private and busine...

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Hampshire Hotel - City Terneuzen,  in Terneuzen NL NL

Hampshire Hotel - City Terneuzen, Terneuzen, NL

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Uw beoordeling van deze aanbieding

  • UitstekendUitstekend
  • GoedGoed
  • GemiddeldGemiddeld
  • SlechtSlecht
  • BedroevendBedroevend
